Time for a Tune‑up: Reforms to Private‑Sector Auto Insurance could Lower Costs and Add Value

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It proposes policy changes to reduce the cost and improve the value of #autoinsurance in #canada. The study found that Canadians pay the highest premiums in the world for auto #insurance relative to GDP, with personal injury coverage being the most significant contributor to overall differences. The paper recommends product reforms and addressing #autorepair#fraud to increase consumer choice, reduce disputes, and provide better value.

Climate Risk and Canadian Banks: Is More Capital Required?

It highlights the increasing #regulatory focus on #climaterisk faced by #canada's #banks, both domestically through the #osfi and globally through the adoption of guidelines proposed by the #tcfd. As regulators seek to impose more #monitoring, #disclosure, and mitigation obligations on #financialinstitutions, the article raises whether banks' #capitalrequirements should be increased to reflect the #risks associated with #climatechange.

Uncertainty in Systemic Risks Rankings: Bayesian and Frequentist Analysis

"In this paper we propose efficient #bayesian Hamiltonian #montecarlo method for estimation of #systemicrisk#measures , LRMES, SRISK and ΔCoVaR, and apply it for thirty global systemically important banks and for eighteen largest #us#financialinstitutions over the period of 2000-2020. The systemic risk measures are computed based on the Dynamic Conditional Correlations model with generalized asymmetric #volatility. A policymaker may choose to rank the firms using some quantile of their systemic risk distributions such as 90, 95, or 99% depending on #risk preferences with higher quantiles being more conservative."

Operational Risk: A Global Examination Based on Bibliometric Analysis

Effective #riskmanagement, including #operationalriskmanagement, is crucial for minimizing #financialrisks posed by #operationalrisk. Risk evaluation, which includes assessing potential risks and their #probabilities, is also vital. #bibliometric analysis using #metrics such as citations, networks, co-authorship, and region-based #publications can provide insights into the quality of #research on operational risk and identify gaps. Such analysis reveals a growing interest in the study of operational risk, but also highlights research gaps that need to be addressed for effective risk management.

Measuring Tail Operational Risk in Univariate and Multivariate Models with Extreme Losses

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"This paper considers some univariate and multivariate #operationalrisk#models , in which the #loss severities are modeled by some weakly tail dependent and heavy-tailed positive random variables, and the loss frequency processes are some general counting processes. … The methodology is based on #capitalapproximation within the #baseliii framework (the so-called loss distribution approach)."

Auditor Health and Audit Outcomes Before COVID‑19

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This study, based on #cdc data, investigates the relationship between #influenza-like illnesses (ILIs) and #audit outcomes in public companies. The study explores whether the overlap between #fluseason and the audit busy season affects #auditquality, as the demanding nature of audits may lead to employees going to work sick. The study finds that audit offices at highest risk of ILIs experience delayed audit report filings and lower audit quality due to impaired cognitive functioning resulting from #presenteeism. These findings have broad implications for workplaces and the audit profession, highlighting the impact of #health impairments on company outputs.

Shocks to Transition Risk

We propose and implement a method to identify shocks to #transitionrisk addressing key challenges regarding its definition and #measurement. Our shocks are instances where significant new information about the economic relevance of climate change increases the valuation of #greenfirms over #brownfirms. To illustrate our method, we identify shocks to transition risk in the #us. These shocks have important aggregate effects, also inducing #financialinstability. They are associated with events that increase the likelihood of an orderly transition, and they specifically affect parts of the economy related to #fossilfuels and #energy. We show that these main results carry over to #de and the #uk. Still, we find an important role for country specificities.

Regulation of Cyber Risk in the Banking Sector: A Canadian Case Study

The current #canadian regime, which draws on the #basel #operationalrisk framework, is not equipped to handle the unique challenges of #cyberrisk. Cyber incidents differ from traditional operational disruptions in terms of their dynamism and impact, and traditional risk-based #supervision is not suitable for the rapidly changing cyber profile of #regulated #financialinstitutions.services for all communities, especially those most impacted by climate change."

Dealing with Uncertainty in Cyberspace

There are five different common reactions to dealing with, or taming, this #uncertainty in #cyberspace: (1) using #riskmanagement to control uncertainty; (2) recovering from uncertainty through #resilience; (3) mitigating uncertainty through the use of #laws and #regulations; (4) suspending uncertainty by engaging in trust; and (5) ignoring uncertainty through inaction.