Geopolitical Risk Shocks: When the Size Matters

The paper examines non-linearities in how geopolitical risk (GPR) shocks affect the economy. Using a VARX model, it finds that large GPR shocks (above 4 standard deviations) significantly increase uncertainty, leading to precautionary saving and reduced consumption, with a more moderate impact on inflation due to conflicting demand and uncertainty effects.

Risk sharing with Lambda value at risk under heterogeneous beliefs

This study provides semi-explicit formulas for inf-convolution and optimal allocations, considering homogeneous, conditional, and absolutely continuous beliefs. The research also explores inf-convolution between Lambda value at risk and other risk measures, discussing optimal allocations and alternative Lambda value at risk definitions.

An Integrated Approach to Importance Sampling and Machine Learning for Efficient Monte Carlo Estimation of Distortion Risk Measures in Black Box Models

“ In this paper, we propose an efficient important sampling method for distortion risk measures in such models that reduces the computational cost through machine learning. We demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the Monte Carlo method in numerical experiments on various distortion risk measures and models.”An Integrated App”

Advancing Pay‑as‑You‑Drive Insurance with Bayesian Models: Risk Prediction and Factor Causal Mapping

This study explores a Bayesian approach to Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) insurance, using Naive Bayes classifiers and Bayesian Networks for risk assessment. It achieved 87.5% accuracy in predicting risk and improved interpretability over traditional models, optimizing pricing strategies and promoting affordable coverage by dismissing geographic grouping in insurance pricing.

AI Act and the ECB: Steering Financial Supervision in the EU

The paper examines the EU AI Act's impact on banking supervision, highlighting the ECB's role. It discusses legal frameworks, obligations for high-risk AI systems, AI governance, and the balance between innovation and prudential requirements. Strategic policy recommendations are provided to enhance oversight and financial system integrity.

Understanding Reputational Risks: The Impact of ESG Events on European Banks

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This study analyzes the financial impact of Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI) events on European banks using a dataset of 11,832 reputational shocks from 2007-2023. Results show significant negative stock returns and increased volatility following CSI media coverage, with proactive ESG engagement mitigating these effects.