65 résultats pour « banks »

Macroprudential Regulation: A Risk Management Approach

Proposes a set of novel modeling mechanisms to regulate the size of banks' macroprudential capital buffers by using market-based estimates of systemic risk combined with a structural framework for credit risk assessment. It applies the model to the European banking sector and finds differences with the capital buffers currently assigned by national regulators, which have substantial implications for systemic risk in the EEA.

Reinventing Operational Risk Regulation for a World of Climate Change, Cyberattacks...

Proposes a new framework for regulating operational threats such as damage to physical assets, business disruption, and system failures. It suggests replacing rwa regulation with simple buffers of equity and outlines what a "macro-operational" approach to banking supervision might look like. It also acknowledges the limitations of macro-operational supervision and considers what new types of operations-specific emergency tools might need to be devised in response.

The Information Value of Past Losses in Operational Risk

"We show that past operational losses are informative of future losses, even after controlling for a wide range of financial characteristics. We propose that the information provided by past losses results from them capturing hard to quantify factors such as the quality of operational risk controls, the risk culture, and the risk appetite of the bank."

The Bayesian approach to analysis of financial operational risk

"The article provides a short overview of methods for constructing mathematical models in the form of Bayesian Networks for modeling operational risks under conditions of uncertainty. Let’s provide the sequence of actions necessary for creating a model in the form of the network, methods for computing a probabilistic output in BN, and give examples of using the tool to solve practical problems of operational financial risk estimation."