147 résultats
pour « riskmanagement »
The findings underscore the importance of inside debt compensation as a #riskmanagement #governance mechanism that alleviates inefficiencies related to #cybersecurity investments.
The paper argues that seeing #riskmanagement as a question of defining the partnership between business and government is crucial to improving it rather than focusing solely on the amount of #regulation.Sometimes these partnerships are adversarial, as they can be with government regulation. Other times they are seemingly invisible, such as when society relies on private #insurance markets to manage risk.
Effective #riskmanagement, including #operationalriskmanagement, is crucial for minimizing #financialrisks posed by #operationalrisk. Risk evaluation, which includes assessing potential risks and their #probabilities, is also vital. #bibliometric analysis using #metrics such as citations, networks, co-authorship, and region-based #publications can provide insights into the quality of #research on operational risk and identify gaps. Such analysis reveals a growing interest in the study of operational risk, but also highlights research gaps that need to be addressed for effective risk management.
There are five different common reactions to dealing with, or taming, this #uncertainty in #cyberspace: (1) using #riskmanagement to control uncertainty; (2) recovering from uncertainty through #resilience; (3) mitigating uncertainty through the use of #laws and #regulations; (4) suspending uncertainty by engaging in trust; and (5) ignoring uncertainty through inaction.
Examines the relationship between #crime and #insurance, with a focus on the role of #governance, #riskassessment and #riskmanagement, #crimeprevention, #securitytechnology, #behavioraleconomics, #theft, #kidnap and #hijack for ransom, #fraud, and #ransomware. It analyzes five case studies to identify a co-evolutionary process in which #insurers collaborate with insureds, governments, and #thirdparty to #mitigaterisk, particularly when criminal innovations destabilize the #insurancemarket.
The #covid19 #pandemic revealed shortcomings in #supplychainmanagement and highlighted the need for rebuilding #supplychains for #resilience to respond to #systemwide #disruptions. This study outlines an approach to rebuilding supply chains for resilience, integrating innovation in areas critical to supply chain management. The authors focus on three areas deemed foundational to #supplychainresilience: forecasting, #supplychainrisk #riskmanagement, and product design.
The #covid19 #pandemic challenged every aspect of business and forced organizations to shift into #crisismode. The pandemic re-exposed issues associated with #siloedthinking in #riskmanagement. For organizations with inadequate #erm policies, plans, or procedures, this is a crucial time to reflect on improving their ERM processes through the capture and transfer of Covid-related lessons. This study explores how concept #riskmapping can be a valuable tool to structure lessons learned capture, ensure risk information is considered, and focus on ERM practice improvements.
The study finds that entrepreneurs view #riskmanagement as a mindset focused on asset preservation, competitive advantages, and local talent development. Risk management practices in #smes are mainly informal yet deliberate and fully integrated into the organization's fabric. In-house #accountants help entrepreneurs with #erm, while external accountants do not systematically contribute to risk management. The study contributes to both the theory and practice of risk management by providing empirical insights into SME owners' perceptions, sense-making, and risk management practices.
"In the [#riskmanagement] context of #capitalallocation principles for (not necessarily coherent) #riskmeasures, we derive - under mild conditions - some representation results as ``collapse to the mean'' in a generalized sense. This approach is related to the well-known Gradient allocation and allows to extend a result of Kalkbrener (Theorem 4.3 in \cite{kalkbr05}) to a non-differentiable setting as well as to more general capital allocation rules and risk measures."
The latest #ai-#cybersecurity-#knowledgemanagement practices advance the future of #riskmanagement practices. The article highlights the importance of risk management and #cyberresilience in a dynamic world characterized by #uncertainty and complexity.